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Katie Cavuto

I am Brave

Bravery looks different for everyone, and it can be different depending on the day. Some days we may need to jump out of a plane or ride a rollercoaster to remind us of our inherent bravery, but being brave is ultimately about choosing  ourselves and choosing to change in a positive way. Bravery is loving ourselves through the adversity.


It’s asking ourselves, where am I uncomfortable, what does God want me to see? What is this ache that I keep feeling every day, be it physically or emotionally? Where can I be brave and trust that the next step is there for me, that the right things will show up for me.


Bravery may be a big step in self-respect like leaving a marriage that’s no longer serving or choosing sobriety,  but it can also be a small step or several at a time, and that might look something like this:


I asked for help when I needed it

I reached out to a friend I have been meaning to connect with

I looked at a fear or pattern that has been bothering me and took the next best step I could to address it

I made a doctor’s appointment I’ve been meaning to make but keep forgetting to

I prioritized time for myself to find some peace and solitude

I set a boundary with a loved one to create space for myself

I made a healthy choice for myself regarding the foods I eat

I allowed my house to be messy and reminded myself that it doesn’t define me

I stepped out of my life to take a few purposeful breaths today, assessing the areas that are tense and simply allowed myself to be there lovingly

I turned towards myself in love and allowed myself to feel the feelings I am having

I tried something new like a new food or healing method

I turned towards God and asked for help

I explored a part of myself that I have wanted to see

I explored a new group or class in my community

I made a commitment to myself to be brave


I write down commitments to myself regularly and take the time to slow down and redo them when they start to feel stale. I good lesson for life as well!


I asked God to help me write a Bravery Commitment today that I could share with all of you. Here is the guidance that came through:


I am Brave

I am committed to:

Being brave in the face of adversity

Being open to and allowing myself to change

Being Kind and Supportive of myself even when I feel shame

Loving myself through the difficulties with hope and faith

Trusting I am loved, Trusting I am safe.

Trusting my path.

God Loves me


With love and kindness,

God (and Katie)


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